Reimburse expenses in different currencies quickly and easily. Test our alternative for SEPA & ERP powered by Wise.
About Wise
With Wise you can move your money around the world, as easily as possible, for as little as possible. You should find that your fees are always fair, and you get the real exchange rate. The same ones big corporations and banks get, but with Wise, you get those rates too !
Also, you can hold money in more than 50 currencies, and convert between them at the real exchange rate whenever you need. It’s free to sign up and there aren’t any subscription fees.
Key features
We know that reimbursing employees is a time-consuming and tedious task. That’s why we have developed a feature to help you reimburse all approved expenses on Rydoo much faster, more often, from-to any bank, and in different currencies.
- Reimburse faster: Pay your employees back in a matter of clicks.
- Reimburse often: Employees no longer need to wait for months to be reimbursed. Be their hero.
- Reimburse in any currency: Pay your employees in their preferred local currency through Wise’s fully transparent mid-market exchange rates.
How it works
- Expense file sent: Rydoo sends a weekly file batch of all approved expenses ready to be reimbursed
- Upload to Wise: Upload the file to your Wise Business account in a few clicks.
- One payment: Check the fund needed for the total file in your main currency and process the single payment to your Wise Business account.
- Automatic notification: When Wise receives the funds, your employees will automatically be notified via email with all the reimbursement details.
- Reimburse easily: Wise will securely pay each individual expense to each employee to an account of their choice.