



Management Consulting



How Q_PERIOR brought innovation into its expense management process

The international consultancy Q_PERIOR supports companies with innovative solutions and new business models to surf on the wave of digital transformation and to prepare for fast changing market conditions. Also, the internal processes of the company are driven by innovation. With the implementation of Rydoo Q_PERIOR takes another step towards a paperless expense management process.


Managing expenses with the touch of a button

Business trips are a part of the everyday life of Q_PERIOR’s consultants. The travels make up four to five days of their working weeks. As submitting travel expenses is inextricably linked with the consultants’ trips, the process needed to become faster and more efficient. Senior Professional Finance Christine Grossmann claims in the interview that, in addition the expense management process should be environmentally friendly, paperless and digital.

In order to comply with the requests of the employees, as well as the management, the financial and controlling team was commissioned to choose a suitable digital expense management tool.


… but not without comparing

Of course, before the final decision was made, the various features of the tool providers were compared. Two other providers next to Rydoo fell into the short list. Q_PERIOR had a look at the offered features, the price but also the competence of the employees of the three competitors. Why they decided to work with Rydoo in the end?

Determining was that the tool fulfills the requests of Q_PERIOR. Moreover, Rydoos employees were very competent and the overall price-performance ratio of the tool was good. In addition, an app was offered so that our employees can upload their travel expenses whenever and wherever they want. That was very important for us!

Christine Großmann

Senior Professional Finance

Seamless implementation process

It was very important for Q_PERIOR that employees could experience a seamless and uncomplicated change to the new tool. Therefore, the training materials provided by Rydoo were used as a template, edited, and offered to the employees in the corporate language. In addition, the given training sessions were recorded and are available on the company’s intranet for the employees to look it up whenever needed.

At the beginning, Q_PERIOR onboarded a smaller group of 40-50 employees. After a very positive experience and feedback, in the following months, Rydoo was rolled out to all employees in the DACH area. To date, around 5000 receipts a week are uploaded and submitted in the app. According to Christine, the introduction of the expense management tool was perceived as very positive across the company.

Not only the employees but also the finance and controlling team appreciates working with Rydoo. Especially, having the flexibility to control the expenses sorted by employees whenever it fits best into the time schedule (so called real-time expensing) instead of waiting until the end of the month is perceived as very positive from Saskia Jürgensen from the Accounting team.

In conclusion, one can say that the consultants on the road as well as the employees in the back office enjoy the benefits of the tool to handle the business travels and all the including tasks. Especially the great collaboration with the responsible people from the Rydoo’s Customer Success Management team was emphasized during the interview with Q_PERIOR.

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